Review Party Dot Com

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Celebrity Reviews: T.J. Miller, Original Yelp Gangster

Welcome to the latest installment of Celebrity Reviews! And this time, finally, finally, we get to feature someone less repugnant than Jeff Bezos or his ex-wife. We didn’t even bother to write a blog post about old Noam Chomsky, just because it’d be too academic, and we’re here to have fun.

But now, here, look- an actor and a comedian. Sure, he’s not exactly squeaky clean as far as celebrity controversies go, but it’s not like we’re reading Kevin Spacey’s review of Aladdin Jr. at the local middle school. We’re on Yelp, we’re looking at reviews, we’re probably not thinking about the time T.J. fought an Uber driver after arguing about Trump.

Just let it be known that we at Review Party Dot Com disapprove of people committing harmful acts. But we do approve of reviews, even more so when they’re funny. And with that said-

An Entertainer’s Reviews

T.J. is a comedian, a stand-up. He knows how to weave a story, knows how to land a joke. He knows what you want to hear, and he knows how to put it in a review.

And that’s what he does. On Yelp. Here! (Don’t say we never did anything for ya!)

Let’s just get to some of the meat.

The story is there, right? You get the description of the food, the restaurant, but you also hear how the food will make you feel. The built-in advice just makes you trust the source that much more.

But hang on, even if that was a Review of the Day, a heavyweight review is entering the arena.

Now THAT is a review. Recurring themes, memorable lines, it has it all. It’s relatable at once, and clear. To the point. Darn near perfect.

You have to appreciate the art of an artist, don’t you? Maybe not, but that’s what we’re doing with this. And you can do more if you check our T.J.’s profile. Or you could wait until we feature him again, because yes, as of this writing, he has made his debut on episode 104: Allergic to Stripes.