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Review Geek: Reviews for the Likes of Us

Whether you’re someone who leaves reviews online or seeks them out, you know that there are generally a few places where they’re to be left and found. Amazon, Google, IMDB. Yelp. And then the multitudes of online stores: Kohl’s, Etsy, Target.

In almost every case, you’re leaving/reading a review where you can also purchase a service/product. On IMDB you can link to any streaming service that offers a movie. Even on Yelp you can order food for delivery.

But then there are also pure review sites, like Wirecutter, which we have covered previously here on the blog.

Today, however, we’re digging down a bit more niche to introduce you to Review Geek.

Who They?

It’s in the name, dog, they’re geeks!

Well, to be specific, Review Geek is part of the larger How-To Geek web presence, and they review products more geared towards the geeky among us.

This means they review tech - for your home, car, desk, pocket - as well as gaming/streaming, apps, audio, and hobbies, because you know we geeks go nuts for board games, vinyl records, and soldering irons.

There is a lot to digest when new tech is dropping every day, week, year, and not everyone can pay attention. That’s where Review Geek steps in. As they say: “we get the honor of being that tech-wise friend to people around the world.”

As mentioned, we’ve previously covered Wirecutter on the blog, but let it be known that Wirecutter recognizes Review Geek as a trusted source, in addition to CNET, the AARP, and GQ.

Is this the site for you? Maybe not. If we’re being honest (which we can be, because no one is paying us to say anything), most people are better off going to Wirecutter. But if you specifically want tech (or you want to be that techy friend), then you’ve found your place.

Subscribe to their emails, you’ll be in the know, and then YOU will be a trusted source. What in life could be more fulfilling than that?