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CM Punk Recommends: Mindy’s Bakery

You could also file this under the umbrella of an Unusual Activity Report, a Public Attention Alert and a cousin of Review Bombing. Honestly, this is a few steps shy of Meme Review status.

But it’s more fun to take it for what it is: a recommendation leading to a deluge of reviews.

Now, on with the show!

Actually, before we get to the show, a minor disclaimer: we at Review Party Dot Com can’t claim to be the type of nerds who are into professional wrestling, but we do know that gamers, comic book geeks, and collectors of all sorts of memorabilia DO overlap with pro wrestling fans. At the very least, we are proud nerd brothers and proud Midwesterners, which is why this story still resonates with us.

And the reviews. Those play a big part.

CM Whatzit?

He may not be a household name (not every household, anyway), so let us give you the rundown.

CM Punk is a wrestler from Chicago who spent the better part of a decade in the WWE. The character of Mr. Punk is outspoken (as you’d expect a wrestler to be) and antagonistic (ditto).

So what’s any of this got to do with Mindy’s Bakery?

Well, in the aftermath of Punk’s latest bout - in which he won the AEW World Championship - Punk laid into other wrestlers, false reporting, AEW leadership, and his aches, pains, and frustrations, to boot.

You know how some athletes repeat the same “sport-talk”? That “at the end of the day” and “we just gotta do our thing, control what we can control”- all that word garbage that lacks any personality or substance? You know how you get frustrated by that?

CM Punk is not like that.

Clear, cogent, detailed, and NOT HOLDING BACK; even if you’re not a fan of any sport at all, I challenge you to watch a minute of this media scrum and not come away in awe.

Here it is, cued up for you. Watch a MINUTE! (language warning)

Now if you gave that the minute watch like we suggested, you know why we’re here.

In the midst of a slightly heated press conference, between vulgarities and truth bombs, Punk took the time to let everyone know that the muffins and whatnot he’s been devouring, those are from Mindy’s in Chicago. So check them out if you like that stuff. But they’re not open Mondays or Tuesdays.

Like I said before, wrestling fans are nerds, so they’re online. And if we know anything about the internet, we know where this is going.

And there are loads more, just like these, with references to bits and pieces of every second of that 20-minute media session. At least Grant here was keeping it somewhat real for us.

And that’s the crux. The same with meme reviews, these are funny (at least to the people who know what’s going on), so they serve the purpose of entertainment. But for those just needing to know how that crumb is on Mindy’s muffins, does any of this help? Not really.

But such is the internet, we can only control what we can control.

Hey, at the end of the day, the place WAS recommended, though!