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Compensated Reviews: CourseRanks

This one is going to be short, sweet, and to the point, because the future is fast and coming ever faster.

Now that image there gives away the goose a bit early, but don’t worry, they have another:

A picture is worth a thousand words, and CourseRanks has TWO telling you that you can get $5 per review you leave, so they must really want to get the word out there.

A Little Background

At time of writing, it’s summer of 2021. Whatcha been up to the last year? Much? Much fulfilling? Assuming you and your loved ones have maintained good health and constitutions, one of your biggest headaches might have related to work.

You got laid off or furloughed, and those unemployment benefits didn’t roll in quick enough.

You got stuck working remotely, which was nice, but was also a lot to juggle.

Or you stayed working as normal, and read story after story about people finally leaving their jobs and getting started on their dream.

And if any of those three scenarios applied to you, you may have also looked online for classes, in order to take those first sweet steps towards something new. Maybe it was selling t-shirts from your graphic design. Maybe it was YouTube, TikTok, and streaming. Maybe it was voiceover and podcasting. Or translation. Or anything at all.

The problem came when you tried to find the best information, the best courses that would actually make it feel like you were doing something.

Well, online courses are products, just like anything else, and as consumers, we can review courses just like we review our bread makers.

That’s where CourseRanks comes in.

Now, not every industry is represented on the site (it is a fairly new venture), but at the moment, there are course rankings for Affiliate Marketing, Fulfillment-by-Amazon, Consulting, Ecom, Investing, Real Estate, Social Growth, and Social Media Marketing, though you can submit more courses to the site for ranking and review.

So if you’re looking to learn a little in any of those areas, do your due diligence and hunt for reviews. And hunt elsewhere beyond CourseRanks, because you already know that the reviews aren’t 100% left in earnest.

They’re left because you can get sweet, sweet cash.

The Nitty Gritty

You already know you can get $5 per review. Nice and simple.

But here are the requirements straight from the CourseRanks admin (I emailed them for you):

Our review guidelines for the $5 promotion are as follows:

- There is no minimum length, but the review must be detailed enough to accurately reflect the reviewer’s personal experience with the course

- Limit of 10 reviews per person

So it sounds like you can be pretty freewheeling with what you write, so long as it does inform a reader of your experience. And you get ten bites at the apple, so a solid $50, just for writing a few reviews.

If it’s worth your time, get your money. That’s why you were taking the courses anyway, so here’s a lesson for free. Be business smart, and take free money when you can.