Review Party Dot Com

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Reviewing the Party: Year Four

Here we are again, with another year of this pod in the rearview mirror. Rearview… review…

Yep, let’s do it, let’s look at what Review Party Dot Com has seen, done, and said in the latest year of our existence.

If you’re new to these waters, well welcome in. Review Party Dot Com is the original internet review-based comedy podcast, and we’re definitely the least pretentious. We can say that because we’re from flyover states.

Community Comments Come Alive

While Year 3 saw a trickling of haterade spill itself across our site (podcast rivalries run DEEP), this year we’ve accumulated a good deal of actual, legitimate user interaction. Writing a review is asking a lot of people, so for visitors to our site to leave comments? Big stuff, if you ask us. Stuff like:

Popular pages relate to Amazon Vine Voice and of course the Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears. If you want your voice heard, you know how to do it!

Me, You, and Meme Reviews Run Thin

If you are a die hard listener/blog reader, then you’ll have noticed that the MYMR segment which is supposed to occur every 15 episodes is a bit overdue (at time of writing). Well. Sorry!

This past year saw us purchase, test, and review the famed horse head mask, and we took a second look and revisited the Three Wolf Moon Shirt (head to the MYMR page for those).

But beyond that, we’re grasping at straws a bit. We’ve already revisited the gummy bears. We want to try canned cheeseburgers but can’t find any for sale. And we’re not looking to buy radioactive canisters, much as Amazon might think they’re funny.

But hey, we won’t stop trying. More crazy content is coming your way.