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In Appreciation of Facebook Post Reviews

I don’t have a Facebook. Never have. And I don’t really see that changing.

I know the point, I know the value, and I know that businesses and services provide (ideally up to date) information there. But also that, OH MY, it’s another place that we internetizens can leave reviews.

But those aren’t the ones I’m talking about today. Today I am recognizing the ad hoc, DIY, “this-is-just-me-expressing-myself-to-others” posts that dress themselves up into full-fledged reviews. And sure, these could also be Instagram posts or Tweets, or whatever form of social media you want validated.

The point is that these are reviews you don’t go looking for, they’re ones that come to you. It is word of mouth - the classic, most unaltered form of reviewing - and it’s also one of the most trusted.

That’s why it means so much when people share.

It’s one thing to Insta-brag about your daughter’s 3rd grade recital, because people expect you to support your family, to give your child high marks. But a friend’s play? Sometimes you just go to get it over with, you grin and bear it, because hey, even if you are a theatre person, you know who you like and what you like.

But when you like it enough to write up exactly how it made you feel, to write in great detail why others should go see and support it. You are doing so much more than you realize. It’s a hug, a hearty slap on the back, a standing ovation, it’s hard-earned validation for weeks of tiring work, and perhaps best of all, it’s free publicity. For humble local theatre, that is SO valuable.

So if you’ve seen a play, or you’ve seen your brother’s best friend’s band play a set at a bar, or you attended a murder mystery at the retirement home, stop and sit with yourself for a moment afterwards. If that performance touched you in any way, let people know, and post a little something about it. It means more to the people involved than you’ll ever know.