Review Party Dot Com

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A Year in Review (2022)

Once again we’ve reached that time of year where we look back before we look forward, ever hopeful for what’s coming our way. Like every year of Review Party Dot Com, it’s been a strange one, but there is plenty for us to dwell fondly upon before resolving ourselves to break anew from 2022.

Here’s a bit of what happened in the past year of RPDC.

Becoming Bigger Review Boys

Just last year, still mere months into this experiment called Review Party Dot Com, something happened in the Yelpisphere. We’d set up a Yelp account for the podcast, with the hopes that eventually, we would write some fun reviews as we traveled around. A show promotion sort of thing.

Well. We got our hands slapped.

But then Matt made his own account, wrote his own reviews, and was minted as a Yelp Elite.

Well, we’re happy to say that he now has two years under his belt as an Elite, and shows no signs of slowing down.

Additionally, fresh of the press and not even blogged about yet- Matt has also accepted an invitation to join Amazon Vine, supposedly an honor reserved for the brightest Amazon stars. Look for more details on that experience to be coming shortly.

So what’s all of that mean? Well, when we say we’re the best review podcast on the internet, we mean it! We have the resume to back this stuff up; we’re not just scouring Reddit for funny posts, not just riffing bad improv off of funny reviews, and we’re not sitting around eating weird food and having bad mic quality.

We know we may not be the most polished or produced, but when it comes to reviews - I mean just take a look at this blog, too - WHEN IT COMES TO REVIEWS, we know what we’re doing.


There are almost as many blog posts as there are episodes of Review Party Dot Com. All about reviews in some way, shape, or form. Blogs about Amazon, Google, and Yelp. Blogs about the FCC, lawsuits, and review regulations. Blogs about compensated reviews and review programs.

Shows and movies about reviews, news stories about reviews; scandals, scoundrels, and art about reviews.

Just a lot. We’re on episode 132 of the podcast, and the blog clocks in at around 128 or so posts. If you’re looking for something specific, let us know.

Occupying the Meme Space

This year saw the party take on three separate items in the ever-popular Me, You, and Meme Review series of segments: the segments where we find those products that received a cult-like following due to their funny reviews, so much so that the reviews became more important than anything else.

We recapped the lore of these funny products and reviews, then got them in our hands to write our own, honest (and also funny) reviews.

So what did we conquer this year?

Well, way back in February, Matt got his hands on some SUGAR FREE GUMMY BEARS, and then trusted his guts of steel as he TRIED THEM HIMSELF to give them a fair shake and a fair review.

In June, Matt located a stunning book titled One Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates. Then, just like he had with How to Avoid Huge Ships, Matt opened the book himself and dug into the text, all to mine a real review.

Finally, just at the turn of the October, Matt found himself a pair of purple Raypose Yoga Pants, then was tasked with finding the closest thing to a mountain to roll down, so he could put the mythical pants to the test.

These are always fun for us, and we hope they’re fun for you. As we say, we live for a laugh, but we love a good useful review too. In these segments, we hope to bring both.

Odds and Ends

There have been a few fun movie-based blog posts this year, if you’d like to give them a read.

Additionally, we have featured Yelp and its history with some regularity the past year, so if that funky company interests you, you are in the right place.

This year some hidden pages were added to the website, usually due to a joke in an episode. If you find one, we are so happy, and we’d love to hear about it.

Finally, we are always thankful for our friends and listening audience. This year, we’re also thankful for the haters we’ve had leaving comments on some of our pages. Honestly, any traffic to the site helps, so we appreciate your rage (and we hope you figure out how to not have muddy sounding microphones).