Podchaser and #Reviews4Good

If you’re into podcasts and you haven’t heard of Podchaser, it’s time for us to change that. Sit back and we’ll take a whirlwind through what it is and why you need to know right now.


The best way to explain Podchaser is through comparison, and the closest analog is IMDb. Podchaser in many ways fills the same role, but for podcasts. You can search, find, and learn about both podcasts and their hosts or producers.

Did your favorite podcast host guest on another show? Search them and you can find the episode. Are you a fan of a particular show? Follow them and they get added to your feed. And of course, if you love that show, you can leave a rating or a review, even for a specific episode, instead of just the whole show.

All the data present is useful for both podcasters and listeners alike.

Also like IMDb, lists can be created, to bunch similar shows or episodes together, the better to aid likeminded listeners.


This April marks the third year that Podchaser is hosting #Reviews4Good. Here is how they explain the event:

For this year’s #Reviews4Good, we’ll be donating 25 cents to World Central Kitchen for EVERY review left on Podchaser throughout the month of April 2022! We’re even DOUBLING the donation to 50 cents every time a podcaster replies to the review!

Pretty simple, right? Log in, leave reviews, and everyone wins! You do good twice over by helping a podcaster and a charity, the podcasters help get the word out AND get some reviews for themselves, and this year, #ChefsForUkraine (as part of World Central Kitchen), benefits.

So where is this all coming from? Podcast partnerships.

A range of podcast hosting sites are participating; Buzzsprout, Captivate, Libsyn, and Spreaker are matching donations left for podcasts they host, while Alitu, Player.FM, and Podkicker are matching ALL donations. Though it may be just a quarter per review, that can add up fast.

So, if you need a reason to write a review, let this be it. It’s easy, it’s quick, and it will do good in the world.


Lee R, PaymoneyWubby, and Putting it All Out There on Google Reviews


Accolades on Amazon: From Top Reviewers to Top Contributors