Reviewing the Party: Year One


To steal a phrase from many a review, what’s there to say about Review Party Dot Com?

Well, plenty. The show (and this site) have now been up and running for one complete year, and there are no signs that we’ll be stopping EVER. Or at least any time soon.

But instead of looking forward to when we inevitably cease production due to the climate-change-induced Mad Max-esque resource wars being waged across our Midwestern hamlets, let’s take a bit of time and look back on the year that was. This is definitely different than the calendar year review, in case you were wondering. DEFINITELY DIFFERENT!

Don’t believe me? Well get a load of this!

Making Friends

This show started between two friends, so obviously friendship, kinship, and a shared sense of humor has been with us all along. But this is an odd duck of a show, and we know that. We are friends “sipping brews and talking news” or “talking death while killing our live-ers” or “filling steins and emptying our minds.” Not to brag, but our show has a thing. It might not have a point, but it has a thing. And that thing is very different from a lot of podcasts out there.

Sometimes it pays to be a bit like other podcasts, so you can guest on each other’s shows or cross-promote. But again, we are the oddest ducks on the block, so what luck could we possibly have?

We had some! Of particular note (especially as they’ve now ridden into the sunset), is the Unfinished Business Podcast, who looked to Craigslist for internet inspiration, instead of to silly reviews. Brave boys, indeed.

We’re also pretty smitten with the Hospo Bimbo Podcast and Cassie, the HB herself, who brings us into the hospitality industry, where we get to see the other side of nasty restaurant reviews.

And we’d be remiss if we didn’t shout out the Zesty Life Hacks podcast (with whom we’ve had a most inventive collab), our Midwestern sistren who aren’t afraid to talk about that, the Impolite Society Podcast, and the loving, lovely ladies of More than a Crush.

It goes without saying, since it’s on our About page, but we also really dig the CampaignHer podcast.

But if you thought we only rubbed elbows with fellow podcasters, you’d be wrong. We hang with the big dogs, too.

In the past year, our expert social media managers have scored Likes from the likes of the Kurt Vonnegut Museum, the Original Bomb Pop, Bob Weber Jr. (creator of Slylock Fox), and conversations with a statue of Neptune and a Forrest Gump impersonator named Forrest Bump.

True wins, if you ask us.

So, What Else?

Does a stack of 56 podcast episodes do anything for you? Each featuring, hmmm, at least 5-6 reviews and running 45-59 minutes, totaling up to around 300 reviews reviewed and 2800 minutes spent chuckling and chortling about them. Oh, and add in over 250 Instagram posts and 52 (now 53) blog posts, and it’s pretty clear that a lot of care and effort has gone into this odd duck we love so much.

And it’s the oddest bits we love the best.

At the moment, the most-visited page on this site is the Buffalo Wild Wings and Beans blog post. And our most-liked pic on Instagram is a meme someone sent to us (though we did add a sick joke in the caption). But the kids love that stuff. It might not be what we worked the hardest on, but we are always happy to find a receptive audience.

On that note, if you have suggestions or critiques, please contact us (hit Contact above or below). We have a lot of midshow segments; Upon Further Review, Great Reviews in History, Celebrity Reviews, Crap App Reviews, From the Pages of Peterman, Steam-ing Pile of Reviews, and the list goes on and on and on. If you happen to HATE or LOVE something, then we’d love to hear it.

This is your invitation to review us, however you see fit. If it’s on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser, great, cool, thanks. If it’s in an all caps email, ooh, exciting.

We’ve been here and we’ll continue to be here, in hopes of making you laugh. And even if you just showed up (fashionably late, you minx), thanks for coming and make yourself at home.

If you want to see some of our favorite moments, then walk down memory lane on our Instagram. Any waveform you see there highlights a high point from a given week’s episode. Okay. Heading out. See you all next time!


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