Reviewing the Party: Year Two


Time to revisit and re-review, eh? That’s what the best reviewers do, isn’t it? I mean, a well-written review is one thing, but a review that’s been updated? That shows an extra level of care that not every reviewer possesses.

So here we are, reviewing ourselves after two years in the trenches.

We think we’ve done pretty well. Getting better every week, ideally. But let’s not just suppose and assume, let’s get to some details.

Features, Features!

Earlier this year (2022), Review Party Dot Com was the inaugural Podcast of the Month on The Podcasters Community Discord server. Having been a part of this server almost as long as we’ve been working on the show, we have to admit, we weren’t always very active. But This year, we made an effort to change that, and lo and behold, fate favored us and got us that first feature. While it may be somewhat small potatoes, small potatoes are still good eating, and we couldn’t have been happier.

If you are interested in podcasting and want to join a nice cozy community, hop on in.

Elsewhere on the internet, we continued to get our name out there, looking to bring our brand of funny to as many people as possible. So we ran some ads on Audry, and that’s be fine and fun and good.

But the biggest, most butt-shattering thing to happen was a feature ON Spotify, in our own little internet culture genre of comedy podcasts:


This let us know that we weren’t alone in the “internet-based podcast space.” And truth be told, we knew that already.

As much as we might say it on the show, we aren’t the only podcast on the internet that reviews internet reviews. There are some who don’t do a great job, but there is one that does, our friends the Review Queens of Review that Review. Killer concept, killer production; if you like us, you’ll like them, too.

But sometimes there’s no love to be had.

A Big, Bad Ugly

This is a major first for us, our very first negative review. Now this could be the result of some salty reviews Matt left, being turned around and sent our way. Or it could just be a total random person, who listened to the show and also knew to review it on Podchaser, a site that really only podcasters know about. So. Take that for what you will.

Either way, this is hilarious.

You know, you don’t really feel the love if you can’t feel the hate. And this makes what we do all the sweeter.

Here’s to even more years of reviews good and bad, and a whole lot of gasping and wheezing.


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