Frequently Returned Items on Amazon
We buy, we try, and sometimes we send back. Amazon is letting us in on what gets sent back the most.

So I Became a Vine Voice on Amazon
The Review Kings reign again, as Matt joins the ranks of Amazon’s Vine Voice.

A Reminder that Humans Work at Amazon
This is what happens when an Amazon packer thinks what you ordered is dope!

A Short Review of Amazon Renewed
Amazon has a portal for purchasing refurbished items. S’any good?

Pausing Reviews to Stop Review Bombing
A new weapon in the war on review bombing: adding a time buffer between us and the reviews.

Amazon Influencers: The Blue Checks of Amazon
You’re getting sold on things every day, and you trust those with blue checks, don’t you? How’s that work on Amazon?

Amazon’s Choice and Amazon Best Sellers: Who’s Calling the Shots?
These aren’t ads, but they are trying to influence your buying decisions. So what’s their deal, eh?

Accolades on Amazon: From Top Reviewers to Top Contributors
The cream of the crop and the tip of the top. Find out what it takes to get there.

When Amazon (and others) Delete Reviews
What happens when the big dogs don’t like the things you’re saying? The big dogs let you borrow their muzzles.

Celebrity Reviews: MacKenzie Bezos (Scott)
What did MacKenzie have to say about the book about Jeffyboy? This is one powerful review.

Celebrity Reviews: The Amazon Reviews of Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos left reviews on Amazon, just like you and I have done. Who’s crazy here, him or us? Let’s find out.

Compensated Reviews: Amazon Early Reviewer
Early Reviewer program, we hardly knew ye. You helped compensate reviewers, you helped sellers get reviews, and you helped Amazon get more cheddar. And now it’s time for you to go, join the stars in the sky.

Compensated Reviews: Amazon Vine
Free products for your reviews? Is that real or is it too good to be true?

Amazon Music Podcasts
A new contender has stepped into the ring, and this behemoth is ready to throw down. That’s right, Amazon is plunging its massive tootsie into the choppy waters of the podcast game, and we are ready to ride the waves.