Reviews in Pop Culture: The Simpsons
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Reviews in Pop Culture: The Simpsons

Homer likes food. Homer isn’t an intellectual. But he does like food. So what happens when he has to tell everyone what he thinks about restaurants? Well let’s find out!

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Reviews in Pop Culture: Twin Peaks
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Reviews in Pop Culture: Twin Peaks

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it, don't wait for it, just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair or two cups of good hot black coffee.

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Reviews in Pop Culture: Ocean’s 13
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Reviews in Pop Culture: Ocean’s 13

If there’s one type of MacGuffin that feels slightly flimsier than mythological objects of unknown power (like Holy Grails and Books of the Dead) or important, yet powerless people (like your wife or still whippy father), it would have to be the good (or sometimes bad) review. Breaking form with common MacGuffins, a review is not even a tangible item, but when done well, stories can still be framed around them. Today, we look to Ocean’s 13.

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