Google Maps’ Most-Reviewed Locations


Care for some constantly-changing trivia?

You KNOW you are! You’re a sucker for information, don’t lie to yourself.

Admittedly, you’d be a bit more excited if this blog were titled something like “Top-Reviewed Places on Google Maps Revealed,” because that hints to some aura of mystery, like you’re being let in on a secret, as opposed to the statistics produced by data analysis.

Secrets and scandal are sexy, data is for nerds. We know this. We don’t lie to ourselves.

But again, we also know we love useless data!

SO. As you can see above, the top-reviewed location on Google Maps is Masjid Al-Haram, and it’s important to note that we’re not saying it’s the highest rated, just that it has the most reviews of all the reviewable locations.

Where is this? What is this? Friend, do you not see the word Mecca up there? This is a place of religious significance to huge numbers of people. How huge? Bro, it has a capacity of 2.5 MILLION PEOPLE, BRO!

Sure, not all of them are Local Guides on the old Google machine, but a bunch of them are, so it makes sense that MECCA ITSELF is at the top of the list.

If you fancy a gander at the live feed of this data, and to peek a bit down past number one, pay a quick visit to, to see the top 500, or toggle over to see the worst-reviewed (this time meaning by star-score).

But if you’re feeling like you’d rather click away from this page and not forward, the Eiffel Tower and the Zócalo round out the top three, at the moment.

Who knows, maybe a concerted effort could get your favorite soup shop up the list. But I’ll be honest, unless the soup shop has been open since 638 AD, it’s gonna have a hard time knocking off the old Mecca.


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