Review Party Dot Com

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When an Amazon Review Gets you a Job Offer: The Tale of Sleepy Owl Coffee

Every day someone takes and idea that you could have had - or maybe even one you did have - and turns it into gold. Like me, sitting in school playing my Nintendo DS, wondering why phones didn’t have touch screens, so the numbers could go away (and you could play games on a bigger screen, naturally).

And here we have a case of a simple review. Or actually a review that isn’t so simple. One that’s so un-simple, it caught the eye of the company co-founder, and he was so jazzed up he posted about it on Linked-In! Everyone’s favorite social media, right??

As you can see, he was so entertained, so enthralled, so entranced by someone’s review that he’s straight up offering them a job. Online. Where everyone can see. Sorry, is my cynicism showing? That’s only because I’ve written dozens of reviews like the one in question and have been offered nil (aside from being asked to join Amazon Vine and Yelp Elite, I guess).

So what was the product? What was the review?

It was for instant coffee. Here’s the link, and here is an image:

So as you can see at the end there, whether or not this leads to an actual job, this isn’t the last we’ll hear from Prasiddh.

Is it the best writing ever? Maybe not. But I won’t hate the hustle.