Episode 25: Character Trait: Fedora

The humble fedora. A hat, or a way of life? The first I gazed upon Mr. Timberlake's fedora'd cranium I gasped; male fashion would never be the same. And I, in turn, would never be the same. I could never see through anything but the lense of fedora. That'd kind'a what this episode is like.

Today's topics include a chainsaw the size of a dagger, breaking up the cup ramen rotation, sick machinations, Scooby Dooin' out, identifying with Randy, underwhelming casserole, Grandma Doomerhammer, eatin' beef, The Joker but he Farts, waging war upon this festering pit of a body that I've cultivated, another million dollar idea for Listerine, secret massages, and Alcooltraz.


Episode 26: One Continuous Tokyo Drift


Episode 24: Dangerous Toys