Review Party Dot Com

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Reviewing the Party: Year Three

Once again, it is time for US to review. Time for us to review US, as it were. Because while you may be new to these parts, Review Party Dot Com has been clogging up the interwaves and hogging the Google Drive space, putting out the best review-based comedy podcast that we make ourselves every week from our beautiful homes in the Midwest.

Are we saying these last three years have been a bear? Or unbearable? Or really anything relating to a bear? No. It’s just a fun picture. Ok, I mean, the Three Bears. There is that. Year Three and all. But who cares, let’s get to the fun stuff. Let’s get to what another year of podcasting and blogging and rotting our minds on internet reviews has brought us.

There’ll be Lovers and There’ll be Haters

That’s just life, isn’t it? You can’t please everybody all the time. But hey, this year we felt a lot of love, not only in all the reviews listeners submitted for use on the show (and thank you all for those!), but also for the reviews left on our very show.

Here’s a little taste to put some spice on your lips:

Not to be outdone, here’s some love on Podchaser (what’s that? umm, it’s like IMDb for podcasts, didn’t you read the blog post on it?):

But we were talking about haters, too, weren’t we? Ohhhh yeah. Those can actually be a lot of fun, because you know how deep you’ve ingrained in someone’s head if they decide they absolutely hate you.

Without naming names or embarrassing them further, let’s just say some friends of ours have been taking full advantage of our blog’s comment sections. While not realizing that their IP addresses were visible. Then not realizing that they could still be tracked going page to page using HideMyAss to get a free vpn. If you need a laugh that our podcast hasn’t given you, go scour the blog for their comments, it is truly something to behold.

What Else?

Hey now, this is our party, don’t push us to work too hard.

Ok, what else? How about some site enhancements?

Well, as I mentioned above, this wonderful website now has comments enabled on all blogs. And in spite of our friendly neighborhood shitposters, we’ve gotten comments here and there that aren’t completely inflammatory. As if people read what we’ve written and found it useful or interesting!

In addition to that, we’ve now set up a dedicated section of our blog where all the Me, You, and Meme Reviews posts can live. You wanna see what Matt looked like drinking milk? You wanna know if How to Avoid Huge Ships is a must-read? You wanna see if he crapped his pants either time he tried sugar free gummy bears? Well, head on over to Me, You, and Meme Reviews hub.

Some more of those sections will be coming in the future. If you want to read blogs pertaining to Amazon, Google, compensated reviews, or any other recurring topic we feature, we’ll be setting that up for you, for free. As always.

Ok. I think that’s enough for now. If you’re thinking, “boy, that was a lazy post!” Well hey, we’ve been throwing a party for THREE YEARS! Give us a break, champ.